Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Skate or Die like who thought there was a possible link between the turtles
and the nes game Skate or Die. But I don't see any turtles in the nes game. Fix it anyway that is one of my latest idea's
of which I don't got time for. See images below. Skate or Die 2 even has sewers yet still no turtles I don't get it
damn bull shit t-shirt.

The next idea well there is this arcade game called PIRANHA a 1981 hack of Pac Man so thought it could be
ported to other systems this one I might could do myself for the nes I did enjoy making Mr. Pac Man a lot so would be fun
to port it to the nes. But hey one might can beat me to it or port it to other systems. Like endless possiblities maybe. Any
way that is all the idea's I have so far. Good luck and happy hacking. See images below. If one could just get past the first
stage see ingame.

When all things are tested they shall not fail.