Kid Klown's KrazyNES
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Now Playing: Defenders Of Oasis Game Gear
Topic: Hacking

Yesterday, I was messing around with Metal Max for the NES, after I realized that no real text changes were ever done. Looking at the Chinese version Ji Jia Zhan Shi I noticed that it had a full english font and down at the bottom where you name your charector it had *Back *Go and *End in english so I fixed this for Metal Max the Translated version or the one with english graphic tiles in it, then while attempting to play the game I encounter a guy asking me a Yes and No question he wanted to give me a massage or something, anyway I declined and went into the rom to find the two letter Japanese Yes and three letter No in the rom and swithed around the pointer to have english three letter Yes and Space before two letter NO. Am I going to make a patch not for the public, get the rom and fix it yourself better yet get a translator and fix the whole game into english. Please. Cause Metal Max Returns sucks. Again I didn't make a table file used Hex Workshop instead.  


Posted by meklowner at 6:02 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 April 2012 6:25 PM EDT

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