Kid Klown's KrazyNES
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
New Day
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Rambling
Topic: Hacking

I am not planing on hacking KId Klown or MM3. Putting Kid Klown in another nes game may happen in the far future. It would not be a mario hack, I do have a game in mind though I will save it for later on. The one hack that may come next could be my Final Fight 3.nes hack. Is called Final Fight 3 "Something Edition" the something part is a secret. I been working on it secretly for awhile though it's still far from complete. Is planed to be my own version or ediction of it, I have my own story for it as well as charecter names, there are four main characters who all have there own story. The character names graphix in the game I have already replaced but currently they are under revision.  And the one character dean he is just asking to be purple. My current pacth though is only 2kb. So there is still alot of work to do. In the mean time I'll find something else to keep me busy...

Posted by meklowner at 4:06 PM EST
Monday, 10 November 2008
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Kid Klown
Topic: Hacking
I unofically adopted the name Kid Klown's KrayNES from the NES game as the name of my romhacking site, and a lot of people already know me as Klowner, With a K and since I found out about this game I been inspired to continue hacking, and I never really had a real name for my Hacking Site, But I think this one will stick and inspire me to do more and make some even better hacks, it's been quite a busy two weeks for me already. I had just released Lazy Power Quest last week. Then this week I cranked out another hack 1919 a hack of 1942.nes released it today no doubt. That is what I call progress. Now I am considering writing up a document on my dealings with 1942.nes after realizing what I know about it could be useful to others. And I am certain that some might want my secret codes that enable you to play through the entire game. And I have some sound bytes that I don't know how to use so will list those in the doc as well. Did you notice this is a rom hacking blog, I am amped up. My socail life is lacking but my hacking is not. I need two lifes to catch up with my one life. I talked with Chris Covell he is cool. About Mickey Mouse 3 AKA Kid Klown in the U.S. his notes about his play through of Mikey Mouse 3 kind made me want to play through both games. Instead of just Kid Klown. Anyway I'll be having some fun. I got so much I want to do. If you want a good cheat code for playing through Mikey Mouse 3. You should check out Chris's Site. He made one just for playing through it. As for Kid Klown I don't know if it is compatable yet but I will find out soon.  

Posted by meklowner at 9:18 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2008 10:04 PM EST

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