Kid Klown's KrazyNES
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Now Playing: Defenders Of Oasis Game Gear
Topic: Hacking

Thought I'd make a new entry, it's been ages and I don't talk about my hacks much I just do it, and show case it when it's done. If I even get anywhere with it, most times I stop and start on something new. Until the day comes when I decide to finish it or work on it at all. I decline any chance to work with others on a hack, not because I don't like to help out or offer my advice, it's just most often they have thier on idea of how things shoud turn out and don't except other things I make everything the way, when, and how I feel like doing it. There are no rules, standards or requirements of how things turn out. For example my last released hack was Phantasy Star ?, in it I named the main charector Alf, other hackers would spent years arguing that Alf didn't fit or wasn't appropaite. Instead I released it in a few days. Really. That is how rom hackers are they overstate the details of everything. Like every translation has to be by the book, when Nintendo of America or any gaming company in general, would have totally not made an acurate translation had it been brought over to the United States by them. It would been totally edited for content, had parts removed female main charectors replaced with male ones, Enternal Filinia not would been more like Davey's Quest.. Talk about messed up, but you'll never get anything like that in a translation why not, because nobody knows how to Americanise it, sure they can translate it into english but english is a long step away from American. Forget english I want American Nintendolized Versions of Japanese games. Damn It.. 

Posted by meklowner at 4:38 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 April 2012 4:48 PM EDT

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